CSRDA Discussion Paper Series

No. 77 The influence of women's occupational status on access to infertility treatment in Japan
Sayaka Terazawa
Sayaka TerazawaThe University of Tokyo
Assisted Reproductive TechnologyInfertility treatmentOccupational statusEmployment of womenJapan
Goal 3: Good Health and Well-BeingGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 10: Reduced Inequalities

The number of fertility treatment procedures is increasing with the trend toward later marriages in Japan. Although the medical system for fertility treatment varies across countries, in many cases, the financial and temporal burdens for individuals are severe. Previous studies have examined the relationship between socioeconomic status and fertility treatment (especially Assisted Reproductive Technology such as IVF), and many studies have noted that socioeconomic status is associated with fertility treatment. Previous studies have defined socioeconomic status by income, educational level, or occupational status. Although income is positively related to fertility treatment, the influence of occupational status, especially women’s status, has not been consistent. In Europe, women's employment has a positive influence on access to medical help for infertility, whereas women's employment is negatively associated with access to fertility treatment in Japan. Therefore, this paper analyzed an Internet-monitored survey of women who have contemplated infertility treatment to examine the influence of women's occupational status on access to fertility treatment in Japan. The analysis revealed that women with full-time employment and professional and technical work tended to respond that the reason they had not experienced fertility treatment was because they were busy with work.