CSRDA Discussion Paper Series

No. 96 Patriarchal Family to Social Security: Path Dependency of the Welfare State Capacity
Masaki Nakabayashi
Masaki NakabayashiThe University of Tokyo
law and public financewelfare state capacityfamily securitylaw originstwo-sector growth model
Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 3: Good Health and Well-Being

We provide a new framework with which to analyze law and public finance from the perspective of differences in legal origins. The size of the welfare system differs from country to country. The security net provided by the family and other informal institutions also varies. Our two-sector model links these phenomena. We consider two cases of security. The first case considers the security achieved through intrahousehold resource redistribution in the traditional sector. The second case considers the welfare state, which taxes the modern sector. Switching from intense family security to an extensive welfare state model enhances growth because state taxation in the modern sector harnesses the productivity of the entire economy. In contrast, countries with low levels of family security should transition to a small welfare state model to sustain growth. This finding explains the different trends of welfare benefits in civil law and common law countries. The different sizes of the welfare state have their origins in family law, which date back to earlier times and still differently stipulate family security between civil law and common law countries.